For more than 100 years, the VFW Auxiliary has been fulfilling its original objectives by supporting the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving veterans, active-duty military, and their families, and spreading patriotism nationwide.
Our Lomita VFW Auxiliary members have volunteered hours, coordinated various types of donations throughout our communities, and continue to honor our veterans through many events and programs. 
If you are not eligible to become a VFW Member, please submit an application at our Lomita Post for Auxiliary! Our Auxiliary members are an integral part of our elite family. 


Members must be at least 16 years old and are in relation to a living or deceased veteran who has served overseas in a location of foreign conflict, earning the campaign medals eligible. Relations include:

  • Husband/Wife
  • Widower/Widow
  • Father/Mother
  • Grandfathers/Grandmothers
  • Sons/Daughters
  • Grandsons/Granddaughters
  • Brothers/Sisters
Step- and adopted parents, children, siblings (and half-siblings), grandparents and grandchildren are considered the same as biological parents, children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren, and may join the VFW Auxiliary under their VFW-eligible veteran. Proof of service is required for eligibility and must be obtained by the applicant.
For additional eligibility information, please visit AUX Eligibility Info. Please apply directly at our Post.